र धेरै प्रसिद्ध एकीकृत सर्किट निर्माताहरू र एजेन्टहरूसँग राम्रो व्यापार सम्बन्ध स्थापित गरेको छ।
व्यापार वार्ता, पारस्परिक लाभ र साझा विकासमा मण्डलीहरूलाई स्वागत छ।
र पावर मोड्युलहरू, IC, IGBT, IPM, PIM नियन्त्रण योग्य सिलिकन सुधार ब्रिज डायोड, संचार, अर्धचालक, उपकरण, एयरोस्पेस, कम्प्युटर र वरपरका उत्पादनहरू, उपभोक्ता इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स, आदि।
Small to medium-sized OEMs should work on digitalizing their supply chain ecosystems. The coronavirus has shown how important it is in today's world.
Jorjin's WS211X series for asset tracking and smart sensing will change the way facilities, warehouses, and stores keep track of merchandise and assets.
Intel invested $475 million into its IPV chip testing and assembly center in Vietnam. The move supports its long-term business strategy.
Foxconn, Apple’s lead EMS provider, bought a $91 billion chip factory to bolster its position in the electric vehicle industry.
Learn more about Microchip Technology's PIC24F GU/GL microcontrollers and the amazing, versatile applications they have in today's cutting-edge technology products.
Market analysts estimate that DRAM and NAND sales will top global electronic components sales with total revenue of over $120.3 billion.